Primo 5.5 years

Primo 5.5 years

Friday, February 18, 2011

dal Primo ROCKS in Indianapolis!

The Indy Winter Classic was a total success for dal Primo Bullmastiffs!

Thursday February 10th:
Puppy 9-12 dogs:
1st place:  Pureheart Samuel Here I am (co-bred by dal Primo, shown by Crystal)
2nd place:  dal Primo Magic Moment

Am Bred Dogs:
1st place, WINNERS DOG and Best of Winners (4pts):  dal Primo Race you to B'mew

9-12 Puppy Bitches:
2nd place:  dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita

Friday February 11th:
9-12 Puppy Dogs:
1st place and RESERVE WINNERS DOG:  dal Primo Magic Moment
2nd place:  Pureheart Samueal Here I am

Am Bred Dogs:
1st place:  dal Primo Race you to B'mew

9-12 Puppy Bitches:
2nd place:  dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita

"Blaine"  dal Primo Magic Moment
"Tony" dal Primo Race You to B'mew
Crystal and "Adella" dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita 

Saturday February 12th:  SUPPORTED ENTRY
9-12 Puppy Dogs:
1st place:  dal Primo Magic Moment
2nd place:  Pureheart Samuel Here I am

12-15 month Puppy Dogs:
1st place and BEST of OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPS:  dal Primo Race You to B'mew

9-12 Puppy Bitches:
1st place:  dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita

9-12 Puppy Dogs:
1st place:  dal Primo Magic Moment
2nd place:  Pureheart Samuel Here I am

12-15 month old Dogs:
2nd place:  dal Primo Race You to B'mew

Bred By Exhibitor Bitches:
dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita

"Blaine" dal Primo Magic Moment, in Winners Dog 
"TONY" dal Primo Race You to B'mew BEST OP SEX in SWEEPS
"ADELLA" dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita, going Winners Bitch and Best Bred By!

Sunday February 13th:
9-12 Puppy Dogs:
1st place:  dal Primo Magic Moment
2nd place:  Pureheart's Samuel Here I am

12-15 month old Dogs:
1st place, WINNERS DOG and Best of Winners (5pts):  dal Primo Race You to B'mew

Bred By Exhibitor Bitches:
1st place:  dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita

Blaine being examined by Judge Harold Pybus
Tony being examined by Judge Harold Pybus on his way to Winners Dog!
Adella in Bred By


I am so proud to have hosted another outstanding Supported Entry at the 2011 Indy Winter Classic on Saturday February 12th.  My hopes of 40 Bullmastiffs entered was blown out of the water with an astounding 59 dogs entered, and 26 entered in our first ever sweepstakes event!

I would to thank everyone who helped with the show, especially my wonderful handler Katie Martin who put all the trophy bags together for me, ad who came in early to help set up the show.

Both Judges, Marcia Tucker and Anna Lorenz did a superb job with their assignments.  They were friendly, polite, considerate and thorough with each and ever dog, and were patient with the very large number of puppies we had entered.

I hope 2012 will be an even better show, thank you to everyone who entered and showed at the Supported, the dogs were lovely!

Judge: Anna Lorenz
Best in Puppy Sweeps:  Windover's Suddenly Famous
Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweeps:  dal Primo Race You to B'mew
Best in Veteran Sweeps:  CH Bluechips Keeper of Darkwoods
Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweeps:  CH Beahive's Regan of StarryKnight

Judge:  Marcia Tucker
Best of Breed:  CH TNT's Ground Breaker
Best of Opposite Sex: CH Ishana's the Dutchess of Valor
Best of Winners:  Ishana's Singular Sensation at Leatherneck
Select Dog:  CH Newcastle's Instant Karma
Select Bitch: CH Cabberin's Essence of Leatherneck
Winners Dog AND Best Puppy: Ishana's Singular Sensation at Leatherneck (5 points)
Winners Bitch AND Best Bred by Exhibitor:  dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita (5 points)
Reserve Winners Dog:  Beahive's Aeremis
Reserve Winners Bitch:  Liberty's Paintin' the Town

Best of Breed
 Best of Opposite Sex
 Best of Winners, Winners Dog and Best Puppy
 Winners Bitch and Best Bred By Exhibitor

Final breeding for 2011 at dal Primo!

We are so pleased to announce the breeding of "Spanky" CH Beahive's Spanky Sparring Tsumo dal to our beautiful "Fame" CH dal Primo's Remember My Name.

You might remember Fame is the mother of two special puppies "Tony" dal Primo Race You to B'mew and "Adella" dal Primo B'mew Amore Della Mia Vita.  Tony and Adella were the only surviving pups of their litter of three out of "General" Am/Can CH Danier's Major General, and they are the product of a half sibling linebreeding on our beloved Primo.

Since a repeat breeding to General was not possible, I hoped to get as close to General's phenotype and pedigree, bringing me to Spanky, who is out of our "Tune" who is General's littermate sister.  Spanky reminds us of his uncle General in many many ways, but Spanky has a more correct front, a better head with an exellent mouth, deep dark pigment and is a slightly taller heavier boned dog than his uncle.  Spanky is a Primo grandson, Fame a Primo daughter, so we are very excited and hopeful to reproduce the same quality we had in our first linebreeding on Primo, Fame's first litter.

Spanky is out of the wonderful "Tsumo" CH Beahive's Tsumo from the Edge and our beautiful "Tune" CH dal Primo Viva Toronto, he was bred by dal Primo, born on April 25th 2009, and is owned by Bea Travis at Beahive Bullmastiffs.

Fame is out of our beloved dogs "Primo" MBISS AM/CAN CH Tru Grit Muscle Mayhem RN and "Ruby" CH Kinanama Rhinestone Cowgirl, bred by Crystal Corner and Kathleen Moyer, she was born on February 11th 2008 and resides here at dal Primo.

We expect puppies from these two fantastic dogs the second week in April 2011.

The Proud Parents
Spanky 22 months old
A video of Spanky taken February 11th 2011

Fame on her way to winning a National Specialty AOM, breeder owner handled!
 Fame and Crystal, with esteemed judge Billy Brittle with their Judges AOM
Fame 2.5 years old

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back from PA!

Well we are finally back to the daily grind here at dal Primo after a short very successful trip to Pennsylvania to visit Galina and Mark Dittman and their crew of Marconian Bullmastiffs.

At Marconian, there currently resides one of the most incredible Bullmastiffs I have ever laid eyes on.  His name is formally Col/Ur/Fin/Swd CH A&CW-08 Ur GrCh Co JCh Elias von DC-13, otherwise known as ELIAS.  I spent five days loving on, photographing and video tape the magnificent Elias.  I hope you enjoy the photos an videos as much as  enjoyed creating them.

The purpose of our trip was to breed Elias to our Primo daughter Tune.  I had hoped to find a boy with the look of Primo, his overall zest for life and clean movement to take Tune to.  Since I didn't have a dog close by to breed with her with to linebreed on Primo, I went for the type I love and an outcrossed breeding.  I found all I had dreamed about in Elias.  I think the two make a wonderful pairing and we will anxiously await news that she has pups in about 35 days.

here is the pedigree for this much anticipated litter:

Thank you to Galina and Mark for your hospitality and all your hard work to help with this potential litter.

Photos of Elias taken by Crystal Corner, property of dal Primo, do not copy or duplicate without permission

Collage of the hopeful parents

and some photos of our beloved Tune, 3.5 years old

Monday, January 24, 2011

NEW Grand Champion FABIO!

dal Primo is so proud to announce another Grand Champion!  Fabio owned by Bill and Sandy Whitely achieved his final championship points on Sunday at the Rose City Classic, handled to perfection by his human grand dad Roy Lawton, breeder of Fabio's dam Ruby.  Most of Fabio's GCH points were attained under the capable hands of his owner Bill, but due to injury, Roy stepped up to the plate last weekend and showed young Fabio to this new AKC award!  Way to go guys!  Keep up the great work!

Photos of Fabio, handled by Roy Lawton, Rose City Classic Portland OR
and here are two lovely free stack photos of Fabio from the Euk when he was awarded an Award of Excellence, handled by our own Katie Martin

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Visitors from all over!

Matt, Blaine and Morgan arrived at dal Primo on Wednesday Jan 19th!  We are so happy to have them for a visit.  Morgan and Blaine had a blast playing with their family all week!

Morgan is now 13 weeks and weighs 30lbs.  Blaine is now 8.5 months old and weighs 105 lbs and stands at a solid 25 inches at the withers. 

Please enjoy these photos and videos that were taken during their visit!

Then on Saturday we had a visit from Jeff and Amy with Blaine's littermates Chase and Heidi from the 2010 dal Primo/Pureheart breeding of Primo and Brandy, born on May 6th, 2010.

Blaine is dal Primo Magic Moment, Chase is Pureheart Chasin' the Dream and Heidi is Pureheart Heidi You're a Fine Girl (all 8.5 months old)...and Wyatt is CH Cornerstone's Wyatt's Revenge (1.5 years old)

The dogs had a blast playing together, they were joined by Jeff's big boy Wyatt.  It was a real testament to their temperments to see these three boys play together with three bitches in season inside the house!  We were so glad to have them back for the day, enjoy the videos and photos were were able to get while they ripped around the yard!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

dal Primo dogs 2008 through Summer of 2010

Here is a video montage of every puppy born at dal Primo from February 2008 through May of 2010.  Some beautiful "then and now" photos of these wonderful dogs and their loving families.  We hope you enjoy the video as much as we enjoyed each and every one of these pups.